Wednesday, March 30, 2011






えぇぇ、「ちゃんと」と言えば、正しくないかもしれません。母は料理を作るのが嫌いでも好きでもありません。無関心なモードに作った料理のようで、料理のクオリティーは毎日違いました。 今、私は母よりよく料理を作ります。掃除に関して・・・ま、彼女はしながら部屋をカオスに変えの事が出来ます。何万回並べも、一週間でキッチンウエアはぐちゃぐちになります。服まだいいです、洗濯は洗濯機でしますから・・・




these days

Lots of things have been happening around me lately.
Vlad told me I wasn't writing much in my blogs - well, I wasn't.
Had many things (and still have) on my mind. Heavy things.
Some of you may know my BD is approaching... it'd be one of the worst, I fear.

Is it really worth writing here?

Monday, March 21, 2011


This week-end we were quite busy.
Actually I wanted to write a long entry about it, but then it became too busy and in the end I try to write something now.

To make long story short, Saturday night we went to our country house. When I say 'went' I mean 'drove'. But as you may remember the weather was bad with melting snow and pouring rain and fog. So when we made it out of the city with its lights and "not-really-so-bad" roads, it was very hard to make a way through the night.

Regularly we reach our destination in about an hour, this time it took us an hour and half. And I say we were lucky and cautious. When we drove in foggy areas we had to suffer from fog and from idiocy of other drivers; you're not supposed to turn on upper beam when you're in fog. Though most of cars we met were trying to lighten the foggy mud with upper beams and it was driving through a shining jelly. There were some spots on the road where you could see only 5-10 meters ahead of you and also we had to keep to the right side of the road because other cars tended to drive dangerously close to the middle of the road or even in the middle of the road (to navigate by demarcation strip). The road paving itself was slippery and somewhere icy.
Yes, I know you're allowed to do that when driving in fog, but if you drive by demarcation strip in the middle of the road, you must drive 30km/h maximum, not 80. So it was scary to watch so many people behaving like fools.

To add to the topic: when we were coming back Sunday morning we saw a car that flew off the road the night before and it was badly hit.

When we were coming back I came to a new conclusion: driving culture decreases as you come to a proximity of a town. We spent 35 minutes to cover approximately 65km on a busy inter-city road and another 25 minuter to cover 7km in Kiev.
And the reason is... the reason is the amount of cars and their behavior on the roads. When you drive on a inter-city road less people try to behave like a smart ass to gain 30 seconds by pushing you aside or jumping in front of you suddenly. If a person wants to perform a overrun maneuver on a inter-city road, he just does it and that's it. No "get off my way" blinking, no sudden panic, he's free to go. People on a inter-city road are not so lazy to turn a wheel to go faster, while in the city they want YOU to turn the wheel while THEY want to go faster.

Next is Sunday evening when we went to a family gathering. We were invited to a Georgia restaurant at Pozniaki. I like hachapuri there :)

Eh, now I believe I don't remember all the things I wanted to say about the week-end, but well... That's how it is.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Recent events and lang-8

Thought about writing a post on lang-8, but taking into account events in Japan decided to postpone it.
I have no intention to talk about consequences of earthquake and tsunami and even more so while crisis with nuclear power plants isn't resolved.

truthful joke

'It takes only two people to make marriage happen: a solitary girl and a worried mum'

Ukraine got into bbc "day in pictures" column

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


and if you wonder why I add these seemingly meaningless posts, I tell you...
I do it to have some content to try out new designs :)

In short time...

In a short time I'd change many things here - design, profile, etc. Also will add links to other things I do and what associated with this profile xD

1st post

I've decided to start a new blog with my generally known nickname.
Now what's left is to organize my thoughts and come to a conclusion how to place the info I want to place on my blogs.