Wednesday, August 10, 2011


It is convenient using android device for text input and blogging. How do you think why lately I write so many short posts?
And swear at XT9?
Too bad the application i am using now doesn't support posting to 2 blogs at a time.

Well well well. Now XT9 insists there is no word "blog". Kinda funny I find it.

Certain places

As J.Jerome once wrote I don't want George know I said it but. . . When I enter halls in some apartment buildings I feel an urge to never enter them again.
Urine stink, syringes, other stuff like that. . . I begin to feel lucky to be born where I have been born.

Another quote from poodle god

The first bird gets the worm, but only the second mouse gets the cheese.

Basking in the sun

I just adore my cat when she is lying on the windowsill. Cats basking in the sun are the most jolly and cute cats.

Head in the clouds

Last few days I have been daydreaming most of the time. Daydreaming as in "having my head preoccupied with minor things and stuck on something that doesn't really matter". So now I have things piled up on me till Wednesday.


How great it would be if I could come home once and do not bother with cooking or cleaning or washing up.
If I could come home and everything - dinner, supper, laundry - would be done.
Sometimes my head goes round when I try to remember all the things I need to remember. Work, housekeeping, paying the bills. It's even more vexing because I have almost no income myself lately. Meaning amount of my income depends on other people. Not that I don't earn it...
Guess now I know what they call "getaway".

Life and problems

This whole situation is getting on my nerves.
I am sick of waiting for some celestial hammer to fall - either on us or on our opponents.
I am sick of waiting for something bad to happen.
This whole lifestyle is almost unbearable.
Waiting for doom to fall is the most unnerving occupation. . .
I just wanna breathe free. At least for a while.
As A said today slavic countries have a kick for solving problems and they take life as one continuous problem. Never ending nightmare.
I am sick of it.

Work #2

As tired as I am now I still maintain the ability to think straight. Wonderful isn't it?
Oh yeah sure.
Did my flash work. Should be proud of myself, but I am not really. All the embedding work was done using standard procedures. And yet it works.
Will require some polishing though.
If i am lucky one project will be completed tomorrow.